Ice Skating Rink
48’L x 24’W x 4’H
Ice skating is a fun adventure for all ages. It can be done for traveling, sport, or leisure. Since I can remember, it has always been the highlight of the winter season. Learning to ice skate is a tough task, but once you get the hang of it, the skill stays with you forever.
May people take time out of their hectic schedules to find the nearest ice skating rink that offers “free skate,” or time for those who want to skate to do so. It is hard to find a rink that works with all schedules, as most only offer free time for a couple of hours daily. For adults, it is usually during working hours.
For those who choose to skate more than once in a while, there are competitions available. You can even learn to do trick skating with a partner or by yourself. It is amazing to see people flying through the air and landing perfectly on ice! Spectators are on the edge of their seats, hoping for the perfect landing. While it is usually possible, sometimes the ice gets the best of ice. Just dust yourself off and try again!
Skating is even a sport in the Olympics. They train all year for the event and hope that all of their preparation pays off during their practiced routine. It is truly beautiful when their skating techniques and tricks correspond to music that is playing in the background. It helps to set the mood- when the music picks up, the audience knows to expect that a trick is coming!
Whether it is your first time on skates, or you have done it competitively, skating is fun for all ages. Maybe those that have more experience will be able to show you the ropes and help to keep you on your feet.
Bring the joy of ice skating to your next event! Our huge ice skating rink can accommodate up to 40 people, and is either for indoor or outdoor use. If you prefer a traditional winter theme, we are even able to make it snow! Keep your guests busy and maybe even allow them to learn something new! You may not be experienced enough to do some trick or choreographed skating, but it is still commendable to get yourself around the rink without taking a spill! Ice is slippery, but you will soon learn the best ways to keep yourself from falling